I Took the 5G Male Supplement Every Day for 8 Weeks, And Here’s What I Discovered…
I’m 48, and I like sex. With women. A lot.
While I don’t really have major problems, my recovery time between erections has definitely increased with my age.
And in the last few of years, I’ve had a couple occasions when things just kind of… “dropped off” in the middle of sex.
Granted, they were longer sessions, but still — that’s a new thing for me.
When this has happened, I usually figure it’s just booze or something and move on to another activity (like oral) until I bounce back.
While I don’t think anything is medically wrong, it’s definitely a nick in my armor of sexual confidence.
But I don’t think I’m ready for something like Viagra or Cialis, yet (that’d be overkill at the moment).
I figure, though, if there’s something easy I can do without a prescription, I ought to give it a shot. So I decided to try the 5G Male supplement from Supernatural Man.
What Is The 5G Male Supplement Supposed To Accomplish?
According to the promotional materials, 5G Male is supposed to make my erections “stronger, more engorged, [and] longer lasting.”
I should also be able to “perform more often.” Sounds like just what I need, right?
Another reason that 5G Male appealed to me is that it uses all-natural, plant-based ingredients.
Moreover, it’s made and inspected at a lab here in the U.S., so there are no weird additives or dicey ingredients that I won’t know about. (The only thing I want messing with my junk is women!)
I got a 90-day supply, and I’ve been taking one capsule a day.
I’m not really a medicine guy (something has to hurt A LOT before I pop a Tylenol) so the size of the capsules was kind of startling, but I managed.
The enclosed letter says that it takes 60-90 days to achieve full results, but that my “system reboot” should start in 2-4 weeks.
So, here’s where we are after two weeks.
My Results After 2 Weeks: 3 Noticeable Improvements
I knew the 5G Male was on its way, and I also knew that I was going to be paying close attention to whether or not it worked.
So, for a week before I started taking 5G Male, I paid more attention to what was going on with my little man downstairs.
In order to get a decent before and after comparison, I decided that I’d only pay attention during morning sex.
I figure this will take side-effects from booze, coffee, sleepiness, or anything else I may do during the day, out of the equation.
Once the supplements came, I began taking them in the morning, but only after sex (in case there was some sort of immediate spike that would skew the long-term comparison).
With the help of a couple of my lady friends, whose schedules are flexible enough not to have to rush off in the morning — we need to have sex at least twice for this to work — I began my experiment.
I confess that, when I explained what I wanted to do, they each had a lot of jokes to make at my expense (and they don’t even know one another!).
Ultimately, though, they were pretty enthusiastic about the trials.
(Hey! Maybe this is a new approach in bars! “I’m recruiting subjects to help test a supplement… can I have a moment of your time?”)
In the week before I started taking 5G Male, I didn’t have any trouble staying hard during sex.
Though I did drop to half-mast once during a position change, I recovered right away.
My “lab assistant” was very quick to point out my droop, as a scientific observation. (The room was cold!!)
After ejaculation, it took me anywhere from 25 to 50 minutes to recover my erection during the four mornings of pre-5G male sex.
As far as actual size, I’m pretty content where I am, but being harder is always good.
My lab assistants and I decided we’d just go by the look and feel of my hard-on rather than trying to measure it — because that’s what is going to matter in the long run, anyway.
In the two weeks that I’ve been taking the supplement, things have not changed all that much.
However, there have been a few positive trends that make me think the 5G Male is working for me.
1) My erections seem harder.
I’ve noticed it in the way it feels as I get hard, and by inspecting it with my own hand.
My partners, using various methods and body parts in their assessments, also think that my erections seem harder.
So far, so good.
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2) I get random hard-ons.
Another fun thing that I’ve noticed, lately, is that I tend to get random erections more frequently during the day.
I think this could be a result of increased morning sex, but it could be the 5G Male at work, too.
It may be a combination of both, but it’s a sign that blood is flowing in the area.
Always a good sign.

3) I’ve seen a slight improvement in recovery time.
Since I started on 5G Male, my worst recovery time’s been 40 minutes (as opposed to 50 minutes the week before I started the supplement).
On average, I’d say that I can reliably remount after 30 minutes.
This isn’t too far off where I was before, but it does seem to be trending in the right direction.
And then there was Wednesday.
I will grant that the first round of sex was pretty damned hot that morning, but great sex is not that rare for me.
What is increasingly rare in my world is what happened next.
My unicorn was ready to prance after only five — 5! — minutes.
I was lying against my partner, performing a halftime routine with my hand (you’ve got to keep the audience engaged and coming back for more) when she said, “Is that what I think it is?!”
Not having noticed, I said “What?”
“You’re hard. REALLY hard.”
And I was. I’d been so into what I was doing that I hadn’t noticed the raging hard-on I was pressing against my partner’s ass.
We looked at the clock. “I guess you’re going to get home earlier than usual,” I said.
Now. I have recovered that quickly before.
In fact, I have on occasion been able to stay hard through an ejaculation and keep going until the next one.
But it’s been at least a year since my recovery time was 0-5 minutes.
Is it just a coincidence that it happened again since I’ve been taking 5G Male? I sure hope not!
4 Week Update: Now I’m SURE 5GMale Is Working… Here’s What It’s Doing For Me…
It’s been a month since I started taking 5G Male.
I ordered it because, as a 48-year-old guy, I figure any hedge against aging I can get my hands on — especially when it comes to my sex life — is worth trying.
According to the promotional materials, 5G Male is supposed to make my erections: “stronger, more engorged, [and] longer lasting.”
I should also be able to “perform more often.”
Why not give it a shot, right?
Another reason that 5G Male appealed to me is that it uses all-natural, plant-based ingredients.
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Moreover, it’s made and inspected at a lab here in the U.S., so there are no weird additives or dicey ingredients that I won’t know about.
I got a 90-day supply, and I’ve been taking one capsule a day.
The enclosed letter says that it takes 60-90 days to achieve full results, but that my “system reboot” should start in 2-4 weeks.
After two weeks, I was not sure if I was seeing actual results from 5G Male or if I was just reacting to the increased amount of non-drunk morning sex I was having in an attempt to test 5G Male.
But after 4 weeks, I can be more certain of my results.
Here’s what I think so far:
1) My Recovery Time Is Shorter
A month into my supply, I am fairly certain that I’m seeing some results.
My average recovery time between erections is still not too different from where it was at two weeks — but it’s trending in the right direction.
Before I started taking 5G Male, it took me anywhere from 25 to 50 minutes after ejaculation to recover my erection (so I could go for round 2).
Since starting the 5G Male supplement, my worst recovery time has been 40 minutes.
I also experienced a 5-minute recovery time in the first two weeks.
And in the last two weeks, I was twice ready to go in only 10-15 minutes (I’m 48 — no judging!).
The 20-30 minute average recovery time over the last two weeks is a definite improvement from where I was before trying 5G Male.
And the fact that my boner is jumping back into action more quickly has been consistent since I started using the supplement.
I am ready to credit 5G Male with a faster recovery time between erections.
2) Random Boners Continue to Pop Up
After two weeks, I noticed that I was experiencing more random boners during the day than I had before trying 5G Male.
For better or worse, that trend continued over the next two weeks, as well.
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While I don’t think that the erections are any more frequent than they were two weeks ago, they’re still popping up on a regular basis.
Although it doesn’t really serve any functional purpose, the extra swelling in my jeans is always a welcome feeling at my age.
It also tends to back 5G Male’s claims of increased blood flow.
3) My Partners Tell Me I’m “Fuller”
The most noticeable change in the 30 days since I started using 5G Male is how hard I am when I have an erection.
I never thought that I wasn’t hard when I was fully erect, but in the last two weeks, my partners (or as I like to call them, “research assistants”) and I have definitely noticed a difference.
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We don’t really have a baseline for girth — I’ve always been kind of thick — but neither my assistants nor I think that I am any thicker.
However, I am much more engorged when I am aroused. Like rock hard.
An interesting side effect from getting so hard is that the pressure of my ejaculations has increased.
I feel it when I come, as do my partners. It doesn’t look like I am coming more, just harder (and farther) than before.

My 4 Week Check-In: The Quick And Dirty Roundup
After two weeks, I was not sure that I could say 5G Male was responsible for what I was experiencing.
After all, with the help of my partners, I was having considerably more sex in the morning, and without booze.
However, all the trends have continued on the same course after a month.
My recovery time between erections has decreased, and the frequency of my hard-ons has increased.
Plus, my erections are more rigid, and I come harder.
There is nothing else to which I can attribute these physiological differences.
It seems that, so far, 5G Male is doing what it claims to do.
Which, of course, keeps me interested in what will happen as I continue to take it.
After Taking 5GMale For 8 Weeks… Here’s What Happened…
I started taking 5g Male two months ago.
As a 48-year-old guy, I figured any edge I could give my sex life is worth a shot… especially if it keeps me away from prescriptions and “little blue pills.”
According to its literature, 5G Male would make my erections “stronger, more engorged, [and] longer lasting.” And I’d also be able to “perform more often.” Hell yeah!
And I’d also be able to “perform more often.” Hell yeah!
When I was looking at the supplements that are out there, 5G Male stood out because it’s made and inspected at a lab in the U.S. and uses all natural, plant-based ingredients.
That means there are no weird additives or ingredients that don’t appear on the label.
My shipment contained a 90-day supply, and I’ve been taking one capsule a day. According to the letter that came in the package, I should expect to see maximum results in 60-90 days.
Here’s what’s happening…
After 60 Days, Here Are My Results…
After taking 5G Male for 60 days, I am definitely seeing results. I’m not sure if they’re “maximum,” but they’re definitely results.
Before I started taking 5G Male, it took me anywhere from 25 to 50 minutes after ejaculation before I was good to go again.
In the two months since I started taking the supplement, my worst recovery time was 40 minutes… and that was close to the beginning.
Even better, I also experienced a 5-minute re-up in the first two weeks. 🙂
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Over the last month, my recovery time has been in the 15-25 minute range, with the average around 20 minutes.
Once, in the same time frame, I powered through my first ejaculation right on to the next one with no downtime (though it was about 45 minutes until I could sign up for round three).
I’ve tried to be as “scientific” as possible in my review, accounting for things like drinking too much or being too tired.
Unless there’s some sort of placebo effect (which is fine with me), I credit 5G Male with my improved recovery time.
Here are three more exciting improvements I’ve experienced since I started taking 5G Male:
1) I Get “Random” Hard-Ons More Than Ever Before
As I reported in my previous check-ins, since starting on the supplement, there’s been an increase in random hard-ons throughout the day.
It’s not like they ever went away, but the weasel is popping up noticeably more often than before.
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While random boners serve little practical purpose — apart from that warm, happy feeling that comes from knowing it’s there — they likely result from 5G Male’s claimed ability to increase blood flow.
And now I have to wear looser pants.
2) My Erections Are Way Harder
The most significant difference in the last 60 days, as first noticed by my partners and then by me, is how much harder my erections are.
It’s not like I wasn’t hard before I started using 5G Male (or that’s what I thought), but there is a definite difference these days. Both the women I sleep with and I can feel it.
In spite of being harder, we don’t think anything has changed size-wise.
Because, other than thickness, 5G doesn’t mention anything about size, this result is not surprising.
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Thickness has never been an issue for me, so I’m not complaining.
However, I think being more engorged (like rock hard), makes my girth go a little farther.
One effect (benefit?) of getting so hard these days, is that when I come, I do so with a lot more force.
I think the increased blood flow boosts the pressure behind my ejaculations. I’m not coming more, just harder and farther than before.

So Does 5G Really Work??
Two months into my 5G Male regimen, I think it’s doing many of the things that it said it would.
If it’s not the supplement, I have no other explanation.
I can get up faster and stay up longer.
My hard-ons like to pop in (or up) throughout the day, without calling first or being provoked.
They’re also much harder, and my ejaculations are more powerful.
Now, I don’t know what 5G Male would do for dudes with real sexual issues…
But for older guys — or any guys — who are looking to give their sexual performance a little edge, I’d recommend giving this supplement a try. If nothing else, experimenting has been fun.
You can check to see if 5G Male is still available here: Is There Any 5G Male Left?
P.S. The story of how 5G Male was made is f’in insane (you can’t make this s–t up)… check this out to see the whole amazing story for yourself.