5 “Magic Words” That Get You Laid Online…

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

(Plus 5 Topics That Make Her Panties Dry Up Like the Sahara)

I don’t want to mince my words here, so I’ll be straight forward… most guys SUCK at online dating. 

You don’t have to take my word from it, all the data that we have points to this conclusion. 

According to Pew Research only about 20% of men who use online dating sites and apps get into a relationship with a woman they met online. 

Around one third of men NEVER go on a date with a woman they met online. 

And around 60% of men who use online dating report not getting enough replies. 

Data pulled from Pew Research, E-Harmony, and Plenty of Fish find that women tend to have the opposite experience… no matter how attractive they are.

So why is it that so many men struggle to meet, date, and get into relationships using online platforms?

Well there’s another interesting statistic that I found…

Virtually all women find a man’s profile important, whereas many men would stll message a woman who has left her profile blank if he likes her pictures.

Women spend 50% more time looking through and reading a man’s profile than men. 

Women are also more likely to look at a man’s profile multiple times, while many men don’t.

Not only are many men not putting enough emphasis on their profiles, but they probably have profiles that actively REPEL women…

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

If THESE Are In Your Profile… Get Rid Of Them Right Away…

My extensive research has found that there are 5 things that really repel women found on way too many guys dating profiles. 

I’ve also found a high volume of Gotham Club members reporting conversations online “going dry”… more often than not it’s because they’re talking about some of the topics I’m about to mention.

If the woman you’re talking to brings up one of the following topics don’t worry there’s a little trick I’ll teach you later on to move past that subject, and keep her engaged. 

So what are these 5 things?

Your Job

I don’t want to sound like a d*ck…

But no one cares about your job.

Talking about work MIGHT be interesting to you, but unless you’re a stuntman, or a lion trainer… chances are talking about your job will bore her. 

Television and Movies

This one kind of surprised me…

I’m a big movie buff, I go to the movies often, and I talk about movies and good tv shows with my friends all the time.

But the research tells us MOST women don’t want to talk about movies and television.

If I were to guess it’s because talking about movies and television makes you seem like you don’t have anything going on in your life.

So unless she’s also really into movies and television then just avoid this topic. 


I feel like this one is obvious.

Even if you’re on the same political team, there are bound to be things that you two disagree on, and disagreeing with anything political can be emotional.

Not to mention MOST women hate debating, especially about politics.

Just avoid this one. 

Your Religion

This is similar to politics.

Religion is a touchy subject, and research from the Pew Research Institute tells us that women care more about religion than men. 

So if you’re religious and she’s not, or the other way around it could be a touchy subject.

Now… some of these subjects are sensitive, others are boring to most women, so you should just avoid them and not talk about them in your profile.

But what if they come up in conversation?

Well no worries… I have a technique that changes the subject AND makes her laugh in one fell swoop.

The Fake Answer & Fake Guess Technique

As you might have guessed from this headline this technique has two parts, a fake answer followed by a fake guess. 

Whenever a woman asks a question related to the topics above, give her a fake answer, but a ridiculous fake answer. 

For example: 

What do you do for a living? 

I’m a butt model.

Are you religious?
I started a cult once in college to avoid paying taxes, does that count?

Are you a Republican or a Democrat?

Neither, I think we should revert to the Monarchy system, a good old fashioned crazy king like King Joffrey from Game of Thrones would set us straight. 

Do you have a favorite movie?

You mean like a porno? Yeah dozens. 

Do NOT go too far with this technique…

I’ve seen many community members continuously give fake answer after fake answer, until the woman gets annoyed.

Give her ONE fake answer, and if she asks again give her a real answer (this is actually a sign that she’s interested in getting to know you and build a connection). 

Keep your real answer short, and vague…

Then ask her the same question she asked you, BUT guess a fake answer for her.

This simple move makes you seem hilarious, avoids talking about a subject that could stray the conversation into something boring, gives you an air of mystery, AND gets her talking about something all women love talking about… themselves.

Here’s what it looks like (this is an actual example from a conversation I had on tinder a few months back). 

What do you do for a living?

I’m a butt model.

Really? No way! What do you ACTUALLY do?

No, not really, but I’ve been told I have a great butt. I’m actually into online coaching, what about you? I’m guessing you’re like some sort of princess or something? 🙂 haha

(I ended up getting this woman’s phone number soon after, and we had a great first date later that week). 

Okay so we’ve talked about what to avoid in your profile, and what conversations to avoid… there’s something else you need to avoid…

There’s something that women CAN NOT stand…

And that’s two particular kinds of personalities…

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

Women Don’t Want A Bad Boy OR A “Nice Guy”

Despite what you may believe, most women don’t want a man who’s going to cheat on her, insult her, or beat her.

Men like that only attract hordes of women in movies, and in the imagination of “nice guys”. 

This is evident in literally ALL of the data we have… BUT we all know at least one woman who keeps dating a**holes. 

Why is this?

One study found that women who kept going with these types of men for the good experiences, that they just don’t get from “nice guys”.

You may have noticed me put “nice guy” in quotes a few times now…

I don’t actually mean someone who’s nice.

Everyone likes nice people by default.

“Nice Guys” are guys who tend to be agreeable, boring, and pretty uninteresting.

These guys believe they deserve to get laid because of basic social expectations (like being polite or a good listener). 

These kinds of men provide women with very little, or no good experiences, and thus women tend to avoid them. 

You need to find that sweet spot between being a “nice guy” and a player. 

You don’t want her to think that you’re not sexual enough or that you can’t make a move, but you also don’t want her thinking that you’ll just tag anything that moves.

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

5 “Magic Words” That Make Her Wet For You (& Eager to Peel Off Her Panties For You)…

Up until this point I’ve mostly discussed with you what kind of things turn women off…

But what turns women on?

Well the data I gathered found 5 words that get land guys more phone numbers, dates, and more sex when mentioned in a man’s profile.

  • Band 
  • Metal
  • Vegetarian
  • Zombies
  • Tattoos

When I first saw this data I was a bit confused…

I thought to myself how the hell is knowing this supposed to get me laid?

So I put a lot of thought into it, tested out some ideas, and I actually saw some pretty impressive results rather quickly.

Here’s what I tested out that worked really well for me. 

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

REAL-WORLD Examples of How to Use These 5 Words In Texts or Messages to Get Laid (Proven to Work)

Like I mentioned before, women (most people actually) love talking about themselves, so if you can turn the conversation to be about themselves then you’re going to build a connection with this woman fairly quickly, and you’re going to turn her on. 

Band & Metal

It turns out that these words were so popular because women are really drawn to music.

I suggest you figure out what kind of woman you want to date, figure out what genre of music this kind of woman listens to regularly and talk about these artists and bands.

Don’t just go for well known artists… 

Look for good up and coming, and obscure artists and bands too.

For example if your ideal woman is into rap and hip hop most people will know big names like Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West.

However a quick google search of best underground rappers of 2020 also points to names like Kota The Friend and Curtis Roach.

I’ve never heard of these artists, but if I were looking for women who were into rap I’d listen to their music, and if they’re any good I’ll recommend them to women I’m talking to.

Not only will recommending lesser known bands and artists of a particular genre make you look cool, but it’ll build a deeper connection between you two. 


So not all women are vegetarians or vegans…

And chances are you aren’t either…

BUT many women love eating out as a hobby (I’m a bit of a foodie myself – so this discovery was golden for me). 

If you’re a vegetarian and so is she, talk about it, she’ll love it.

If she’s a vegetarian, and you’re not – talk about your favorite vegetarian restaurants, recipes, farmers markets you like going to, exotic fruits you’ve eaten, etc.

If neither of you are vegan or vegetarian just talk about food.

Women have such a strong emotional reaction to good food that you’ll often see them do a little happy dance when they’re eating something tasty. 


One particular thing I love doing when I’m talking to women is I love role playing…

One of my favorite role plays is talking about what we would do if there was a zombie apocalypse. 

Try it, it’s fun, it’s creative, and it’ll help you stick out from the vast majority of other guys.

Talk about roles and assignments you’d each have in a post apocalyptic zombie world, what you’d do to survive, how you’ll repopulate the world etc. 

It’s honestly one of my favorite things to do when talking to women online. 


It’s 2020 at the time of writing this article…

I know, tattoos are widely accepted nowadays.

BUT they’re still permanent pieces of art on your body.

Whether you have a good or bad tattoo, it tends to be a great topic of conversation.

If you have any, talk about them, tell the story behind them, what they mean, any future tattoos you’re willing to get, and anything else you can think of.

Simply put, chicks dig tattoos, and if you have any, use them to your advantage. 

5 "Magic Words" That Get You Laid Online...

If This One Tip Helps You Bang 2-3 Girls… Imagine How Much Sex You’ll Be Having Once You Know ALL of Them…

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online dating…

I like to go in waves of meeting women online and offline…

But when I do meet women online I can easily get 3 – 5 dates a week…

…bang a new girl or two every week…

…and oftentimes I’m talking to so many women that I physically just don’t have time to meet them all. 

This isn’t an isolated incident either.

If you had access to the online dating data that I have, and understood what women online are TRULY looking for you’d have similar results.

Like I said, this was one nugget of proven data. And it led me to getting laid directly 4 times in the last week-and-a-half.

Now what if you had all of the data that made dating and hooking up with hot chicks much, MUCH easier?

I’m not talking like 500 pages of it or anything like that…

Just all of the scientifically-proven data, just like this, that can not only help you get laid online…

But that will also help you get more dates offline too… and make it likely that those dates end up in headboard-rattling sex?

Since this one single tidbit of information can get you laid at least a few times…

Imagine how often you could get laid if you had all of these proven, data-driven tips, tricks, and techniques in one place.

Not only will it make talking to hot girls online a lot easier…

Not only will you convert a lot more of those convos to hookups and sex…

But as you use these more and more… you’ll find yourself f**king a lot hotter girls too (since these are proven to work on them too).

So if you want more phone numbers, more dates, and more sex WITHOUT having to leave your home or put on pants to meet women…

You need to watch this short, free video right now.

It has a lot more of these data-driven tips, tricks, and techniques to get laid a lot more often…

And it’ll show you exactly how to get the best, proven tips to get laid anywhere PERIOD.

If you’re ready to get laid more than you ever thought possible from online dating and apps… and have as much sex with hot girls as you thought possible…

You gotta watch this video:

Click Here Now For the Free Proven Secrets to F**k More Hot Girls Online & From Apps

P.S. – As you’ll see in a second… this proven data wasn’t exactly acquired through the usual means. Some even have thrown around the word “stolen”… and though there’s a dispute raging in that regard… I highly recommend that you watch this video right now before I have to take it down for good…

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