They’re So Subtle, You Can Use Them In Public, When A Lot Of People Are Around, And She Won’t Ever Know You’re Hitting On Her…
If you want to hookup with a girl, there’s one thing you absolutely have to do, no matter what:
You have to touch her.
It is physically impossible to sleep with a woman and not have and not touch her first. After all sex is a physical act and you have to make physical contact at some point!
So if you want to sleep with a hot girl quickly and easily, the most important thing you can do is touch her in the right places when you meet her.
These are not obvious places like erogenous zones or the genital areas – these are “under the radar” places you can touch her that might seem “friendly,” but get her turned on really fast.
If you do this the right way you can turn a girl who usually would have said “no” into a “yes” girl.
And you can speed up sex way faster with any other girl you meet.
In Fact, This Is Scientifically Proven to Work…
A recent study in the United Kingdom showed women decide if they’ll sleep with a guy or not the first 3 minutes of meeting him – so the faster you can turn her on, the better.
Another study in the Journal of Human Communication Research conclusively showed that touch creates feelings of attraction in women.
Another study showed that when a man touches a woman she develops stronger feelings for him and her heart rate even goes up…
And in addition to all these studies, nearly all of the experts I’ve seen talk at Gotham Club agree that touch key to get a woman to sleep with you quickly and easily.
Here’s Exactly How You Need To Touch Her, Step-By-Step To Turn Her On Quickly and Easily…
Most guys I work with think that there is a risk of making a girl really upset if you touch her the wrong way… or that she’ll think you’re hitting on her and will reject you outright.
But if you follow these steps I’m about to give you, then there is almost no chance you can mess this up.
In fact, I’ve showed this technique to hundreds of guys, many of whom thought they would never do these touches, yet it was so simple they got it right on the first try.
I’ve learned these “touches” from one of my mentors called Magic.
He is one of the best I’ve ever met and he spent years developing this, improving it and systematizing it so it would be dead simple for any guy to learn.
One of Magic’s top students has broken down this entire method in this short, free video…
Including the exact 3 places you want to touch a girl to turn her on fast when you meet her.
Just click the link below to get started now…
Get the Free Secret Now

Everything is broken down step-by-step with visual demonstrations making it all super easy.
Magic Leone, the guy who developed these techniques used to work as an underground erotic masseuse for women.
What I mean by that is that women used to pay him up to $300 to receive erotic massages from him with a “happy ending.”
(That’s the reason why these pleasure spots are so different than anything you may have seen before.)
These massages gave these women intense amounts of pleasure–that’s what kept his regular clients coming back and back…
But he’s never revealed even one of his secret “touch techniques” until now.
That’s because he did tons of research into the pleasure points that drive women crazy…
He found the exact spots on a woman’s body that turn her on quickly and easily… and they’re totally under-the-radar…
And you can get the first 3 of these techniques in this short, fast, free video right here: