Even if you’re just “average-looking” (or worse)… Even if you don’t have tons of cash… and even if you’ve NEVER done well on Tinder or Other Apps (Until Now)…
Most guys think that Tinder is a pure numbers game based on looks.
A woman thinks you’re attractive, and just instantly “swipes right” on your profile… so “average” or “unattractive” guys have no shot at doing well on dating apps.
But a groundbreaking new study out of Cornell University shatters that myth… and comes to some shocking conclusions as to what actually gets you laid on dating apps.
Surprisingly, it’s 3 specific things on a dating profile that most guys think are extremely unimportant…
Yet when almost any hot girl sees these things on a guy’s profile…
They’re instant “Deal-Makers”… and pretty much make her swipe right on you…
These 3 “Deal-Makers” get her excited to message you… and go out with you…
…and make her secretly worried that if she doesn’t hook up with you… you’ll find another girl on the app who will.

How to Use Tinder On “Easy Mode” (According to Science)
Recently, a massive study on Tinder came out of Cornell University… studying over 400,000 profiles and conversations on the dating app… and the results were shocking:
In it, 91% of women said they’ll only swipe right on “profiles that they are attracted to.”
Not guys… not just pictures… profiles.
In fact, that same study showed that women swipe right only 6% as often as guys do.
And yet… when a woman does swipe right… and matches with a guy… she’s 3 times more likely to start a conversation with him… & her messages are 10 times longer than guys’ on average.
All of this means one very important thing for you:
If your profile stands out… and gets a woman to “like” or “match” with you…
Your degree of difficulty on dating apps goes way down.
Women will start to do all the work for you…
They’ll start the conversation off with a thoughtful message (since they’re interested in your profile)…
They’ll suggest “meeting up somewhere” so that you can “get to know each other better”…
And often they’ll sleep with you on the first night… since they’re downright terrified that if they don’t sleep with you… you’ll move on to hotter and better women who also like your profile.

This Counterintuitive “Profile Trick” Makes Her Say “Yes!”
Like I mentioned before, these 3 Profile “Deal-Makers” aren’t what you might suspect…
They aren’t “just get professionally-taken profile pics”… or “just be attractive”…
And they don’t involve showing a woman that you have tons of cash…
Instead, they’re little tricks and “challenges” that you can put in your profile right away… as soon as you learn about them…
And they secretly drive women wild with curiosity and desire… and make them HAVE to know more about you…
So that they say “Yes!” to you every step of the way…
All the way back to your bedroom.
Recently, a data scientist who was down on his luck with women used these 3 Profile “Deal Makers” to get laid by a bunch of hot college girls on Tinder…
And because he had so much success… he gathered even MORE data…
And he analyzed 18 more mega-studies of what actually works to get laid online and in apps in this day and age.
Not only that… but he “borrowed” several enormous databases of conversations and texts that helped guys get laid…
Found the absolute best messages to send (messages that get hot girls to drop everything and come straight over for sex)…
And collected those as well.
This data scientist, named John, put all of this info in a short, free video he’s leaving online for a very limited time.
Simply click the button below now to get free, immediate access… and instantly know all 3 Profile “Deal-Makers” that’ll get you laid on Tinder… and all of his other secrets:

Click Here Now To Get the Free Presentation With All 3 “Deal-Makers”
P.S. – You know how I said some of this data was “borrowed.” Well… between you and me… it may not have been entirely on the “up and up”… so this presentation could get taken down at any time. Click here now to watch it & get all 3 Profile “Deal Makers” before the video gets banned where you’re at!